Friday, August 29, 2008

Spanish I August 29, 2008

This week we finished up the preliminary section and began the first "real" chapter (1A) of the textbook series: Realidades.

The preliminary section we've been working with is called Para Empezar (to begin) and is packed with content, intended to be more of a resource for later studies than a chapter content to be retained in full.

Throughout the book, when those concepts are reintroduced, they can look back at a familiar place where it is explained in a slightly more simple way. We do go through each concept in Para Empezar at the beginning of the year and students always feel overwhelmed because of the amount of content, although they are not formally tested or quizzed.

One of my favorite times as a teacher is around the end of 1st semester. I have students look back at that preliminary section, and they realize how simplistic it is, how easy it has become for them and just how far they have come in the language. And it shows on their face!

They are also reminded of how huge a language really is. I ask students often, "Do you know the entire English language?" I usually get the response, "I don't think so." I assure them they don't and neither do I (that's why we have dictionaries) "but here we are communicating like pros!"

A closer look at the chapters in this book will reveal a slow building of skills with plenty of practice for them.
There are two things I love most about this textbook series.
The first one is that it gets students using the vocabulary efficiently before introducing each grammar point. It's a real confidence booster when a student gets to a grammar lesson only to find that it reaffirms what he/she has already been writing, reading, speaking and understanding even though it's a new skill. The second thing is something that is necessary in all languages (as far as I'm concerned) and that is it's great use of humor. The DVD portion of the textbook series accounts for less than 2% of over-all classtime. However, within a 3 or 4 minute skit about a "rule" or "grammar point" we laugh! As corney as the actors can be sometimes, they help us remember. It's brief, to the point and memorable.

Next week, Wednesday and Friday, we will have the first and second vocabulary quizzes for 1A.
Students have been studying the vocabulary words and will see the quiz (this time only) before they actually take it. At this point, they know more than they think they do, so they seem to get overly stressed. Mind you, I believe some stress is a necessary motivator, but fear is a real distraction! Once they get through this first chapter, they will know what it's going to take for them to succeed.

We are off to a good start! Our students are bright. I wish they understood just how bright they are.

They sure brighten my days!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

What? Week two is OVER? Where did it go?

The past two weeks flew by with lightning speed!
I'm looking forward to distributing the 07-08 yearbooks (Friday) and getting all of the cheerleaders together in one room for a meeting (Tuesday)!

I am definitely looking forward to: ¡mis clases fantasticos!
¡Ustedes son estudiantes muy inteligentes!
The 08-09 school year is happnin,' man! Don't hesitate, jump on in! ;D

I hope everyone has a terrific 3 day weekend. Spanish students: Check out the poll questions here on mi blog.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back to School!

It's great to see everyone again and meet new students and teachers!

My Spanish I classes have been learning pronunciation, greetings, leave takings, numbers 1- 100, telling time, days, months, the difference between USTED and TU, and more.

In Spanish II we are reviewing by going to "infinitive" and beyond!

I'm looking forward to an outstanding year and hope that you are too.